14 de maio de 2015
São Paulo duly crowned
Since last year, the city of São Paulo won awards that increase the tourism and confirm the talent to be the financial and entertainment capital of the country
In 2014, São Paulo definitively had the world´s eyes focused on it. São Paulo metropolis became part of the main tourist destinations, and confirmed is economic talent. Over 15 million of tourists had been here to enjoy everything it provides, generating revenue with tourism, reaching BRL 11 billion. Besides, the Brazilian capital of skyscrapers was the second host city that had more tourists in the World Cup – 540 thousand, almost twice than the expected – and the item “hospitality” was the characteristic with the highest score among the tourists that visited the city to follow the event.
São Paulo end 2014 crowing the tourism sector, and sure that people who lives in São Paulo is talented to be a good host and to awake the visitors’ desire to come back. Below, the list with detailed awards and achievements:
– Ministry of Tourism/FGV Award
The award of the Competitiveness Index of the National Tourism, promoted by the Ministry of Tourism is a study that aims at generating indexes concerning the development of the tourism sector in 65 destinations, and has a scale of five competitivity levels (from 0 to 100 points). São Paulo received the maximum rate, level 5 (index between 81 to 100 points), totaling 82.5 points. It was the only city at this level.
– Trip Advisor (2014) – Best tourist destination of Brazil in the 3rd place of South America
São Paulo was elected as the best tourist destination of Brazil, and third of South America Trip Advisor´s website. The award recognizes approximately 500 destinations in 40 countries.
– The most influential city of Latin America – Civil Service College of Singapore and the Chapman University (2014)
São Paulo was considered the most influential city of Latin America in a ranking which assessed 50 metropolises. The list is led by London, New York, Paris and São Paulo capital is in the 23rd position – the Latin-American city with best position. The study was prepared by Civil Service College of Singapore and the Chapman University.
– It will be the main destination of the South America until 2017 – GLOBAL DESTINATION CITIES INDEX (2014)
According to studies of the international network of Mastercard cards, São Paulo should be consolidated until 2017, as the main city for international tourism of Latin America.
– IFEA seal of city of events 2014
São Paulo was recognized with the IFEA World Festival & Event City award as the destination that does not measure efforts to provide a favorable environment for successful events and festivals. The delivery of the award occurred in the city of Kansas (USA). IFEA seal recognizes the exemplary cities around the world that “exceed expectations”.
– 4th city with the best nightlife in the world (CNN AMERICAN NETWORK and NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC)
The American network CNN listed the best nightlife of the world and São Paulo capital reached the 4th place of the worldwide ranking, ahead of Bangkok (Thailand), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Las Vegas (USA), Montreal (Canada), Barcelona (Spain) and London (England). It is behind only of New York (USA), Berlin (Germany) and Ibiza (Spain).
National Geographic also elected the São Paulo nightlife as one of the ten best in the world. The capital took the 4th place in a ranking that gathers destinations all over the planet, such as Dublin (Ireland), Goa (India) and Houston (USA).
– São Paulo was the most sought destination by Brazilians in 2014, according to the ranking of Viaja Net agency
A study disclosed by the online agency, ViajaNet, listed the ten most sought cities by Brazilian tourists in 2014, and São Paulo appears in the first place. In the second position of the ranking is Rio de Janeiro, followed by Salvador, Fortaleza and Recife.
– We have the 7th best restaurant of the world (D.O.M., according to the BRITISH MAGAZINE “THE RESTAURANT”)
The traditional restaurant D.O.M., of Alex Atala, located in Jardins, São Paulo, was considered the seventh best restaurant of the world, according to British article, The Restaurant Magazine.
The same article elected Helena Rizzo, ownership of restaurant Maní, also located in Jardins, as the best woman chef of the word.