9 de novembro de 2015
Itinerary of rodas de samba in São Paulo
Among São Paulo’s inhabitants, the samba won a connotation of mixture of races, and the state accent began to gain some space. Today, dozens of bars and rodas dedicated to the rhythm are spread through the city. Check out some of the rodas, divided by regions, which preserve the purest original samba, and also give visibility to new composers.
To find the nearest roda, you can also download the InSamba app, with which you can also find show houses and escolas de samba, have a cultural agenda of the city and share experiences with friends and family, with the facilities of a smartphone app.
Buraco do Sapo
Located at Frequesia do Ó, in the North Zone, a group of friends gathered in the 1980s to discuss ideas for improving the neighborhood. From these meetings came the roda Buraco do Sapo, that seeks to rescue the original samba and other talents of the community.
When: Sunday, from 3 p.m.
Address: Rua Armando Guzzi, s/n, Freguesia do Ó
Phone: (11) 99466-3216
Frente de Resistência Samba do Congo
Started in April 2011 to enhance and encourage musical composition, in particular original samba. The roda de samba happens with new sambas from composers of Samba do Congo and of other communities.
When: Every second Saturday of the month, from 3 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Address: Casa de Cultura da Brasilândia – Praça Benedicta Carvalheiro, s/n
E-mail: [email protected]
Pagode da 27
It began in 2005, in the neighborhood of Grajaú, the roda seeks reveal new composers, but also celebrates the great names of samba, preserving its roots and compromising to its story.
When: Every Sunday, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Address: Rua Manoel Guilherme dos Reis, s/n, Grajaú
Phone: (11) 5939-2913 / (11) 9109-2772 / (11) 7639-1602
E-mail: [email protected]
Samba na Feira
Conceived in 2007 from a chance encounter between composers of the Escola de Samba Camisa Verde e Branco, at the Sunday fair. The roda has a mixed repertoire, with classic sambas and new compositions.
When: Third Sunday of the month, from 12 a.m.
Address: Feira Livre da Eulina – Av. Eulina, s/n, Vila Santa Maria, Limão
Phone: (11) 9 9194-4924
Terapia dos Boêmios
Started in November 2012, idealized by Reginaldo Lopes in a gathering of friends for an informal chat about life. The result was a roda de samba.
When: Every Wednesday, 8:30 p.m.
Address: Rua Tomá Antônio Villani, 175 – Vila Santa Maria
Phone: (11) 9 4786-5330 / (11) 9 6154-1080
Comunidade Maria Cursi
This roda was founded in July 2004 to appreciate samba from its origins and from the terreiro. Honoring great names of the Brazilian music in their repertoire, the Maria Cursi meeting also seeks to promote new composers.
When: On Saturdays, from 8 p.m. to 12 p.m.
Address: Avenida Maria Cursi, 799, São Mateus
Phone: (11) 9 9188-9186
Comunidade Samba Jorge
The Comunidade Samba Jorge started in September 2007 from a monthly meetings of friends who gathered to play samba de raiz. The roda happens in the Associação Recreativa São Jorge, headquarters of the football team.
When: one Saturday per month, starting at 4 p.m.
Address: Rua Guaraita, 192, Vila Curuçá – São Miguel Paulista
Phone: (11) 7245-9007
E-mail: [email protected]
Pagode do Cafofo
Created in 2002 by a group of friends, its only intention was to remember the sambas “from other times”. This community is formed by guys who take the rhythm very seriously. The music is played seductively, with the hands, sung without discrimination of race, color or religion.
When: On Sundays, fortnightly. The roda also happens every third Saturday of the month.
Address: Rua Senembi, 228, Sardim Marília
Phone: (11) 9 4004-0999 or (11) 2532-5765, from 6 p.m.
Samba da Tenda
Roda de samba formed in 2001 by musicians and composers of São Miguel Paulista. The goal is to rescue the popular samba and present compositions from the community.
When: last Saturday of the month, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Address: CDC Tide Setúbal – Rua Mário Dallari, 170, Jd. São Vicente, São Miguel Paulista
Phone: (11) 2297-5969 / 8419-0665
Samba do Maria Zélia
The event attracts families and offers pasta while the music goes on. The meeting has hosted big names of samba, such as Monarco from Portela, Almir Guineto, Sombrinha, Dudu Nobre, among others.
When: every second Sunday of the month.
Address: Rua Juvenal Gomes Coimbra, s/n, Belenzinho
Phone: (11) 9 6559-9190
Samba do Olaria
Started in 2004 with a gathering of friends and musicians. The chat about the authenticity of the rhythm, without the intention to proceed regularly, eventually became a nice roda that follows the format of Samba de Mesa.
When: Every second Sunday of the month, from 2 p.m.
Address: Rua Gaspar Barreto, 397, Vila Alpina
Phone: (11) 9 9909-1837 / 9 6722-6924
Terreiro de Compositores
This activity is a meeting of composers on the East Zone whose aim is to present their music. The compositions are gathered in a notebook so that everyone can follow the lyrics and melody.
When: all Thursdays from 8:30 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Address: Av. Luís Inácio de Anhaia Mello, 1720
Phone: (11) 9228-5080 / (11) 9866-7270
E-mail: [email protected]
Samba Família
Started in August 2011 and values the traditional samba. Its main feature is the family environment, so the whole community can have fun.
When: second Sunday of the month, from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Address: Avenida Visconde da Nova Granada, 513, Osasco
E-mail: projetosambafamilia.comunidades.net
Samba na Cumbuca
The Cultural Project was founded in March 25, 2009. It is the first community of samba of Butantã, praising and rescuing the real samba of São Paulo. The intention is to sing new sambas, presenting the composer to the public.
When: last Sunday of the month, from 3 p.m.
Address: Rua Imperatriz Dona Amélia, s/n, Jardim São Domingos
Phone: (11) 9 5247-6779
Velha Guarda da Camisa Verde e Branco
Meeting of generations in which seven sambistas – Dadinho, Melão, Paulinho, Hailtinho, Mário Luis, Airton Santamaria e Mesquita -, reminisce on works that have become classics of the samba of São Paulo.
When: every Tuesday, 7 p.m.
Address: Galeria Olido – Vitrine da dança – Avenida São João, 473 – Centro – São Paulo
Phone: (11) 3331-8399
Comunidade Samba de Vela
Roda de samba created in 2000 to celebrate the authentic samba of terreiro. The performances follow a ritual of its own, with a candle in the center of the roda that indicates the beginning of samba, ending only when the light goes out.
When: every Monday, from 8:30 p.m.
Address: Casa de Cultura de Santo Amaro – Praça Francisco Ferreira Lopes, 434 – São Amaro
Phone: (11) 3106-8569 / 9 9851-4175
Samba da Laje
Samba da Laje started in 1997. The musicians from the community gather to honor the best of samba de raiz. The meetings include a feijoada prepared by the leader of the samba, Dona Generosa.
When: every second Sunday of the month, from 2 p.m.
Address: R. Jadi, 79 – Vila Santa Catarina
Phone: (11) 9 6084-2294 / 5566-0345
Samba de Todos os Tempos
The cultural project was founded in 2004, in Santo Amaro, in the South Zone of São Paulo. The main objective is to promote the Brazilian samba by creating opportunities for composers of the community, as well as keep alive the history of samba.
When: every second Sunday of the month, from 12 a.m.
Address: Rua João Santa, 255, Chácara Santana
Phone: (11) 9 9351-2983
Sociedade Samba Dá Cultura!
Created in 2006 by former sambistas, residents of the region of Santo Amaro, in the vicinity of the Guarapiranga and M’Boi Mirim, it gathers fans of this music genre.
When: every first Sunday of the month.
Address: Casa Popular de Cultura M’ Boi Mirim – Av. Inácio Dias da Silva, s/n, Piraporinha
Phone: (11) 5514-3408 / (11) 9 8904-8903 / (11) 9 8560-6042
E-mail: [email protected]
Terreirão do Sobral
The meeting brings together friends and community within the social headquarters of Esporte Clube Moleque Travesso. The famous roda named Terreirão do Sobral searches to maintain the tradition of samba, integrate the community and diffuse the genre.
When: every Wednesday, 8:30 p.m.
Address: Avenida do Café, 675, Vila Guarani, São Paulo
Phone: (11) 9 4768-5330 / (11) 9 5154-1080