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14 de abril de 2014

Have fun with the family in São Paulo

Por: Web Matser


São Paulo is one of the main capitals of leisure and culture. It has many parks, more than a hundred museums, various cultural centers, and several forms of family fun. Get to know some of them and have fun with the kids.

Nature, animals and green areas

To know about different species of animals, the São Paulo Zoo, in the Southern zone, is an ideal place. Besides hosting over three thousand animals, it provides information, such as eating habits, habitat, and curiosities about the animals. In order to have an unusual experience, the place offers a night tour, which must be booked in advance.

The ZooSafari, which is next to the zoo, provides a closer contact with more than 300 wild animals such as giraffes, zebras, and monkeys that run loose, and beasts such as lions, bears, and tigers that are isolated. The four-kilometer route can be done in your own car or in park vans.

The trip to São Paulo Aquarium is always fun. It is the largest aquarium in Latin America and Brazil’s only themed aquarium offering visitors an immersion in the marine environment. It has over 300 species and an optional night tour, which needs to be scheduled.

Butantan Institute, located in the Western zone, exhibits live venomous animals. The most diverse species, such as spiders, scorpions, pit vipers, rattlesnakes, serpents, lizards, and amphibians, excite the curiosity of the little ones. In addition to animals, there is a green area with trails and space for educational activities.

One of the most important green areas of São Paulo is Ibirapuera Park. Located in the Southern zone, the park offers plenty of fun and culture for all ages and the visitor can rent a bike, ride on a skateboard, roller-skates or scooter, make a picnic, and the children also have courts and playgrounds.

Parque da Água Branca (White Water Park), located in the West zone, has many activities for the little ones, such as storytelling, spaces for reading, toy room, a permanent amusement park, an arena of sand that can be used to play ball, in addition to an aquarium (admission fee: R$ 2), and a train that goes around the park (admission fee: R$ 3).

Cantareira State Park, in the Northern zone, has one of the largest areas of native tropical forest in the world located within a metropolitan region. It is an unique opportunity to know endangered species and giant ferns. Among the natural attractions, there are trails that go through rivers, waterfalls, and the areas of Pedra Grande, Engordador, Águas Claras, and Cabuçu.

Parque da Juventude (Youth Park), in the Northern zone, has courtyards for practicing various sports, spaces to play ball and a skate lane. In addition to hosting the São Paulo Library, which has a section dedicated to children, with comic books, children’s books, and a reading area; there is also a section of DVDs that can be watched on site, and cultural and educational activities.

Culture and Knowledge

In order to spark interest in reading and provide a journey into the world of imagination, São Paulo has spaces like the Cidade do Livro (Book City). Located in the Northern zone, it can be visited by the general public on the last Saturday of each month. The place provides an unforgettable adventure to the scenographic city. This experience counts on curious characters, such the ‘Detective Xerox Holmes’.

With several spaces dedicated to culture and entertainment, the São Paulo Cultural Center is home to the Comics Library Henfil, a library of comic books that has more than ten thousand titles, including albums of comics, comic books, periodicals, and books; and the infant-juvenile Reading Room with specialized collection and activities that seek to awaken an interest in reading, such as storytelling and reading mediation.

For those who enjoy cultural and historical programs, there are also lots of museums and cultural centers throughout the city, such as the Masp, one of the most important museums in Latin America, which has an area dedicated to children, where the little ones can produce their own works and play at being an artist for a day.

Museum of the Portuguese Language, located in the city center, has totems and interactive table that allow visitors to play with words, and a lounge with presentations where a voice recites poems aloud.

Football Museum, based at the Pacaembu Stadium, brings the history of soccer and its star players, besides being located in one of the main stadiums of the city. The museum is interactive, has pieces of great value to the sport and a penalty simulator.

Catavento Space, in the central region, is a place that arouses curiosity and, at the same time, entertains the kids. The space is divided into four sections that address issues related to land, life, resourcefulness, and society. The museum is interactive and, there, it is possible to touch a real meteorite, know the human body, and hair-raising with electromagnetism.

Ruth Cardoso Youth Cultural Center, one of the main points created especially for children and young people is situated in the Northern zone. The place promotes various cultural and educational activities, such as workshops on varied themes and presentations of music, dance, reading and circus.

Located in the Western zone and better known as “Invention land”, the Museum of Inventions has a collection of more than 500 inventions, of the most varied types, such as a folding piano, a comb for baldheads, and a pizza box that turns into a toy. For those who like to invent their own contraptions, Time & Space, in the Southern zone, allows children from five to 15 years old to create their own toys.

Some city museums have programming especially geared towards children. The “MAM Family”, of the Museum of Modern Art, has jokes, storytelling, and workshop. The project “An Afternoon at the Museum”, of the Brazilian House Museum, offers educational tours and activities, such as board games, story reading, and workshops.

The “Art in family”, of the Lasar Segall Museum, allows children and adults to have collective poetry experiences, participate in activities in the studios and in the free areas. The Pateo do Colégio also has the project “Come to Pateo on Sunday!” which offers free cultural activities. Days, times, and admission fees can be checked out directly on the website of each museum.

Theater and Cinema

Sobrevento Space, a room dedicated to an animation theater, has programming for the whole family. It is considered one of the greatest Brazilian groups of puppet animation and offers several options of shows. The plays in theaters, admission fees, and schedules can be checked on the website.

Bank of Brazil Cultural Center promotes the “Dia da Família (Family Day)” program, held one Sunday a month. It aims to bring art to the families through activities related to cinema, theater, and art workshops. Themes are always fun and there is a different presentation each month.

For mothers and babies up to 18 months, another option is the CineMaterna. With sessions scattered throughout various halls in the city, it is a space dedicated to parents who want to go to the cinema without compromising the company of their cubs. The environment is prepared to receive the babies and there is no problem if they cry.

More fun

Disco Baby happens fortnightly, a dancing party on Saturday afternoon for parents to go with their children up to ten years old. The music is not too loud, and there is a complete diapering changing station, and food and beverages that the little ones can consume.

The Mundo da Xuxa Park provides kids with a fun and charming ride. Located in the Southern zone, the park has toys, thematic spaces, and characters that make the little ones feel like being in an enchanted world.

Casa 92, in the Western zone, offers the “Caricatinhos” party. The event takes place on specific dates and offers activities, workshops, drinks, finger food, DJ, and children’s shows. Thinking of babies, the house has a space reserved for children’s breastfeeding, change, and rest, and one of the ambiences has E.V.A. track for babies.


Cidade do Livro (Book City)
Address: Alameda Afonso Schmidt, 877 / 879 – Santa Terezinha – zona Norte – São Paulo.
Business hours: Open to the general public on the last Saturday of each month, as of 04 p.m.
Admission fee: R$ 45 per person
Tel.: (11) 5627-6500.

Sobrevento Space
Date: consult schedule on the website.
Address: Rua Coronel Albino Bairão, 42 – Belenzinho – zona Leste – São Paulo (near the Bresser-Mooca subway station).
Tel.: (11) 3272-9684/ (11) 3399-3589.

Arte em família (Art with family)
Date: consult schedule on the website.
Location: Lasar Segall Museum.
Address: Rua Berta, 111 – Vila Mariana – zona Sul – São Paulo (near the Santa Cruz and Vila Mariana subway station).
Museum Business hours: Wednesday to Monday, from 11 a.m. to 07 p.m.
Free Admission.
Tel.: (11) 2159-0400.

Uma Tarde no Museu (An Afternoon at the Museum)
Date: schedule.
Location: Brazilian House Museum.
Address: Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2705 – Jardim Paulistano – zona Oeste – São Paulo.
Museum Business hours: Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 06 p.m.
Admission fee to the museum: R$ 4. Students: R$ 2. Sundays and holidays: free admission.

Fazendinha Estação Natureza (Nature Station Little Farm)
Address: Av. Washington Luís, 4221 – Brooklin – zona Sul – São Paulo.
Business hours: Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, from 10 a.m. to 05 p.m.
Admission fee: R$ 35 (adult) and R$ 40 (children from 2 to 12 years old). Free for children under two and seniors over 60 years old.
Tel.: (11) 5034-2728/ (11) 5034-0937.

São Paulo Aquarium
Address: Rua Huet Bacelar, 407 – Ipiranga – zona Sul – São Paulo.
Business hours: Monday to Sunday, from 09 a.m. to 06 p.m.
Admission fee: R$ 40 (adult) and R$ 30 (children from 3 to 12 years old). ‘Best age’ ticket (for seniors): R$ 20. Mondays, R$ 25 (promotional price). 4D Cinema R$ 5.
Tel.: (11) 2273-5500.

Butantan Institute
Address: Avenida Vital Brasil, 1500 – Butantã – zona Oeste (near the Butantã subway station).
Business hours: Tuesday to Sunday, from 09 a.m. to 04:30 p.m. Ticket office: from 08:45 a.m. to 04:15 p.m.
Admission fee: adults pay R$ 6; children over seven years old and students pay R$ 2.50; children under seven and seniors are exempt.
Tel.: (11) 2627-9300.

Cantareira State Park
Address: Rua do Horto, 1799 – Horto Florestal – zona Norte – São Paulo.
Business hours: Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, from 08 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.
Admission fee: R$ 9. Student pays half price; children under 12 and seniors over 60 years old do not pay.
Tel.: (11) 2203-0115.

Parque da Juventude (Youth Park)
Address: Avenida Zaki Narchi, 1.309 – Santana – zona Norte – São Paulo. Green Area: Avenida Ataliba Leonel, 500 or Avenida Cruzeiro do Sul, 2500 (next to the Carandiru subway station).
Business hours: green area: daily, from 06 a.m. to 06 p.m.
Free Admission.
Tel.: (11) 2251-2706.

São Paulo Library
Address: Av. Cruzeiro do Sul, 2630 – Santana – zona Norte – São Paulo (near the Carandiru subway station).
Business hours: Tuesday to Friday, from 09 a.m. to 09 p.m. Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, from 09 a.m. to 07 p.m.
Free Admission.
Tel.: (11) 2089-0800.

Família MAM (MAM Family)
Date: consult calendar on the website.
Location: MAM – Museum of Modern Art.
Address: Av. Pedro Alvares Cabral, s/n° – portão 3 – Parque Ibirapuera – zona Sul – São Paulo.
Admission fee: consult the website.
Tel.: (11) 5085-1300.

Catavento Space
Address: Praça São Vito – Parque Dom Pedro II – Centro – São Paulo (near the Pedro II subway station).
Business hours: Tuesday to Sunday, from 09 a.m. to 05 p.m. Entry up to 04 p.m. Holidays: consult directly the website.
Admission fee: R$ 6. Retirees and seniors, children 4-12 years old, students with ID cards, and people with special needs pay R$ 3. On Saturdays, free for everyone.
Tel.: (11) 3315-0051.

Museum of Inventions
Address: Rua Dr. Homem de Mello, 1109 – Perdizes – zona Oeste – São Paulo (near Avenida Sumaré).
Business hours: Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 05 p.m.
Admission fee: R$ 10.
Tel.: (11) 3670-3411.

São Paulo Cultural Center
Address: Rua Vergueiro, 1000 – Paraíso – Centro – São Paulo (near the Vergueiro subway station and Av. 23 de Maio).
Business hours: Tuesday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 08 p.m.; on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, from 10 a.m. to 06 p.m. (events and some areas have different schedules that should be consulted directly on the website).
Tel.: (11) 3397-4002.

Parque da Água Branca (White Water Park)
Address: Av. Prof. Francisco Matarazzo, 455 – Barra Funda – zona Oeste – São Paulo (near the Barra Funda subway station).
Business hours: daily, from 06 a.m. to 10 p.m.. Aquarium: on Mondays, from 01 to 05 p.m.: Tuesday thru Sunday, from 09 a.m. to 05 p.m.
Admission free (aquarium only R$ 2).
Tel.: (11) 3865-4131.

Address: Avenida Paulista, 1578 – Cerqueira César – Centro – São Paulo.
Business hours: Tuesday to Monday, from 10 a.m. to 06 p.m. (ticket office open until 05:30 p.m.). Thursdays, from 10 a.m. to 08 p.m. (ticket office open until 07:30 p.m.).
Admission fee: R$ 15 and entitles you to visit all the exhibits on display on the day of visit. Students, teachers, and retirees with proof pay R$ 7. Children under 10 and seniors above 60 years of age do not pay. On Tuesdays, free admission to the general public.
Tel.: (11) 3251-5644.

Ibirapuera Park
Address: Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral, s/nº (gates : 02, 03, 04, 09 e 10) – Vila Mariana – zona Sul – São Paulo. Avenida IV Centenário (Gates: 05, 06 and 07). Avenida Pedro Álvares Cabral (gates: 02, 03, 04, 09 and 10). Avenida República do Líbano (gates: 07, 08 and 09A).
Business hours: gates: 02, 03, 05 and 10, from 05 a.m. to 12 p.m. Gates: 04, 06 and 09, from 05 a.m. to 10 p.m. Gates: 07, 08 and 09A, from 06 a.m. to 10 p.m. Gate: 07A, from 07 a.m. to 05 p.m.
Free Admission.
Tel.: (11) 5574-5045.

”Come to Pateo on Sunday”
Date: third Sunday of the month.
Location: Pateo do Collegio.
Address: Praça Pateo do Collegio, 2 – Praça da Sé – Centro – São Paulo.
Tel.: (11) 3105-6899.

Museum of the Portuguese Language
Address: Praça da Luz, s/nº – Luz – Centro – São Paulo.
Business hours: Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 06 pm., being that on Tuesdays, the museum is open until 10 p.m. (the ticket office closes at 09 p.m.). Ticket office: Tuesdays, from 10 a.m. to 09 p.m., and from Wednesday to Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 05 p.m.
Admission fee: R$ 6 (full price). Free for children up to ten years old and seniors. On Saturdays, admission is free.
Tel.: (11) 3322-0080.

Football Museum
Address: Praça Charles Miller, s/nº – Pacaembu – zona Oeste – São Paulo.
Business hours: Tuesday thru Sunday, except on game days at Pacaembu, from 09 a.m. to 05 p.m.
Admission fee: R$ 6; and half price: R$ 3.
Tel.: (11) 3664-3848.

Date: consult calendar on the website.
Location: Casa 92
Address: Rua Cristovão Gonçalves, 92 – Pinheiros – zona Oeste – São Paulo
Admission fee: consult the website.
Tel.: (11) 3032-0371

Dia da família (Family day)
Date: one Sunday per month.
Location: Bank of Brazil Cultural Center
Address: Rua Álvares Penteado, 112 – Sé – Centro – São Paulo.
Admission fee: according to schedule, consult the website.
Tel.: (11) 3113-3651.

Time & Space
Date: classes conducted upon reservations.
Business hours: Monday thru Friday, from 08 to 10 a.m.; from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.; from 02 to 04 p.m.; from 04 to 06 p.m. Saturday, from 08 to 10 p.m. and from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Location: Time & Space Studio.
Address: Rua Aspicuelta, 109 – Vila Madalena – zona Sul – São Paulo.
Admission fee: consult the website.
Tel.: (11) 3032-6809.

Address, times, and admission fee: check directly on the website.

Mundo da Xuxa
Location: Shopping SP Market
Address: Avenida das Nações Unidas, 22540 – Itaim Bibi – zona Sul – São Paulo.
Business hours: consult park calendar.
Admission fee: R$ 89. Children under 1 year and 11 months do not pay. People over 60 and students of Elementary/Middle School, High School, and College pay half price.
Tel.: (11) 5541-2530.

Disco Baby
Date: on Saturdays, bi-weekly
Business hours: from 03 to 07 p.m.
Location: Offset.
Address: Rua Ferreira de Araujo, 589 – Pinheiros – zona Oeste – São Paulo.
Admission fee: from zero to two years: R$ 10 or a can of powdered whole milk; from 3 years: R$ 15; adults: R$ 35; babysitters and seniors: R$ 20.
Tel.: (11) 3097-9396.

Ruth Cardoso Youth Cultural Center
Address: Av. Deputado Emílio Carlos, 3641 – Vila Nova Cachoeirinha – zona Norte – São Paulo (next to the Cachoeirinha terminal).
Business hours: Tuesday thru Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 08 p.m.: Sundays and holidays, from 10:00 to 18:00.
Tel.: (11) 3984-2466.

São Paulo Zoological Park Foundation
Address: Avenida Miguel Estéfano, 4241 – Água Funda – zona Sul – São Paulo (from the Jabaquara subway station, there is direct transport to the Zoo).
Business hours: Tuesday thru Sunday, from 09 a.m. to 05 p.m.
Admission fee: R$ 18 for adults and children over 12 years; R$ 7 for children aged seven to 12 years. Free for children under four years and for people with disabilities. Students, seniors, and public school teachers pay half price.
Tel.: (11) 5073-0811.

Zoo Safari
Address: Avenida do Cursino, 6338 – Vila Moraes – zona Sul – São Paulo.
Business hours: Tuesday thru Sunday, from 09:30 a.m. to 04 p.m. Admission fee: in own vehicles: adults or children over 12 years – R$ 18. Seniors (from 60 years) and students – R$ 16: Children from 4 to 12 years old – R$ 9. Children up to three years and people with disabilities – Free. Zoo Safari Vehicles: adults or children over 12 years – R$ 20. Seniors (from 60 years) and students – R$ 16: Children from 4 to 12 years old – R$ 16. Children up to three years and people with disabilities – Free.
Tel.: (11) 2336-2131.

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