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12 de fevereiro de 2013

São Paulo launches LGBT tour guide

Por: Web Matser


The material features tips from gay-friendly leisure, culture, shopping and gastronomy venues

São Paulo has just launched the LGBT São Paulo digital guide. São Paulo´s capital is one of the main destinations for the LGBT public worldwide and every year it hosts the famous LGBT Pride Parade on Avenida Paulista, the heart of the city. São Paulo has the highest GDP of South America and the 10th highest in the world and, in 2012, it received about 12.5 million tourists, of which 14% were foreigners. According to the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism, it is the main gateway for international tourists in the country, with an annual tourism revenue estimated at over BRL 10 billion. The megalopolis has a multicultural facet, and people from more than 70 nationalities live here, making it more welcoming to the most diversified groups.
São Paulo´s doors are open to all visitors and works on the segmented tourism,  customizing our tourism offer according to the visitors profiles.


SPTuris, the tourism and events company for the city of São Paulo, has launched the LGBT São Paulo digital guide featuring tours suggestions and several gay friendly locations across the city. The guide approaches themes such as culture, cuisine, shopping, nightlife and regions, providing tips of museums, cultural centers, art galleries, shopping malls, fairs, restaurants, bakeries, pubs and night clubs, mostly aimed to the LGBT public or often attended by them.
It also feature a calendar of events, the top 10 attractions of the city and a complete itinerary, from Monday to Sunday, bringing tips from breakfast to the evening’s entertainment. Everything intended for visitors to enjoy the very best in the state capital.
There are two formats: the visitor may choose to navigate on the website www.cidadedesaopaulo.com/lgbt or he may also download the material in PDF format at www.cidadedesaopaulo.com/download. The online content will be updated every month.



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