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Horror itinerary in São Paulo

Por: Web Matser - em 30/09/2015

Horror stories live in the imagination of many. They are increasingly gaining more curious spectators, and São Paulo is a great option for them. Residents say that many locals and older buildings are haunted, especially those that have tragic stories. Those places end up turning into touristic points and history lessons for the curious ones. […]

15 places to visit that reveal the history of São Paulo

Por: Web Matser - em 30/09/2015

“Viaduto do Chá and Praça da Sé are just a few of the representative and historical places of São Paulo,” affirms the student Nathalia Gorga, who visited the Center of São Paulo for two days and was delighted with what she found there. “Sé Cathedral and the Municipal Theater also have a lot of history”, […]

São Paulo has over 100 cultural spaces

Por: Web Matser - em 30/09/2015

The São Paulo Turismo (SPTuris, municipal company of tourism and events) conducted an unprecedented survey through its Center for Tourism and Events on the amount of cultural spaces available in the city. The result revealed that the North, East and South regions are the ones that currently have less cultural spaces (54) and can receive […]

São Paulo has the best urban park on the planet

Por: Web Matser - em 30/09/2015

Ibirapuera Park – best known and frequented space among all those who comprise the provision of parks in the city of São Paulo – received a super classification and confirmed why it is so loved by both inhabitants and visitors. The ample outdoor recreational area, located in the South region of the state capital, was […]

Guion de terror en São Paulo

Por: Web Matser - em 30/09/2015

Las historias de terror están en lo imaginario de muchas personas y cada vez adquieren curiosos, lo que hace de la ciudad de São Paulo una buena opción de recorrido. Los moradores de la ciudad afirman que los locales y construcciones más antiguos son asombrados, en especial los que tienen historias trágicas. Los curiosos logran […]

15 lugares históricos en São Paulo para visitar

Por: Web Matser - em 30/09/2015

“El Viaduto do Chá y la plaza Sé son ejemplos de algunos lugares representativos e históricos de São Paulo”, dijo la estudiante Nathalia Gorga, que visitó por dos días el centro de São Paulo y se encantó con lo que vio. Y completó: “la Catedral da Sé y el Theatro Municipal también narran historias”. La […]

São Paulo posee más de 100 espacios culturales

Por: Web Matser - em 30/09/2015

La São Paulo Turismo (SPTuris, empresa municipal de turismo y eventos) se llevó a cabo una inédita encuesta sobre la cantidad de espacios culturales disponibles en la ciudad a través del Observatorio de Turismo y Eventos (centro de estudios e investigaciones). El resultado mostró que actualmente las regiones Norte, Este, Sur son las que menos […]

São Paulo tiene el mejor parque urbano del mundo

Por: Web Matser - em 30/09/2015

El Parque Ibirapuera – muy reconocido y frecuentado entre todos los parques de São Paulo – recibió una superclasificación y eso confirmó por qué es tan querido por los paulistanos y visitantes. Contando con una gran área de recreación al aire libre, ubicado en la región Sur de la capital, el parque fue considerado el […]

News from the city of São Paulo/ Brazil

Por: Web Matser - em 30/09/2015

Releases and news about tourism and events in the city of São Paulo (Brazil), produced by São Paulo Turismo (SPTuris, municipal company of tourism and events). 1 – The city of São Paulo has people from more than 15 countries Data organized by SPTuris show the largest foreign communities living in the city of São […]

Cool hostels in São Paulo

Por: Web Matser - em 11/09/2015

São Paulo is dynamic, cool and international. Brazil and the world come to the city in search of entertainment and news. To house them, it is essential that places there are cheap and provide a innovative and cool environment exist, perfect for the tourist to feel at home and, at the same time, get to […]